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 • MPV-04 system for sliding doors up to 80 kg. Used for wardrobes with 2, 3 and 4 doors.

 • Consists of upper bearing rolls and bottom guiding roll.

 • Upper and bottom aluminium rails length 2;3 m.

code 010580
stuff Metal/PVC Rollers
color Grey/White
Set for 1 external door к-т за 1 вън.врата
Price: 14.41 lv./set with VAT
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code stuff color Set for 1 internal door price
010581 PVC / METAL ROLLERS Grey/White к-т за 1 вът.врата 10.23lv with VAT
code material color size price
010248 al. bottom rail aluminium 3000мм 31.50lv with VAT
code material color size price
010249 al. upper rail aluminium 3000мм 41.67lv with VAT

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